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Welcome to the Podcast 👋

I’m your Host and Legal Guide Corinne Boudreau 🎙

This podcast is designed for Canadian 🇨🇦 business owners who want to learn how to cover their butts 🍑 as they grow their businesses.

I break down legal jargon, answer your frequently asked questions, and talk to business owners like you about how they dealt with legal issues.

No law degree required and no charging by the one-tenth of an hour.


Season 5 - Accessibility and Inclusion for Your Business

Season 4

Season 3  (formerly known as "Get it in Writing")

Season 3 - Episode 44

Fan Art and Copyright Issues with Visual Creator April Baird

Fan art is something that is very popular right now, but if you’re thinking of making these types of creations, there are certain things to take into consideration in terms of trademarks, copyrights, fair use and intellectual property. In this episode, Corinne Boudreau speaks with April Baird of April M Designs, a visual creator from Halifax, Nova Scotia, to share all about fan art and what you need to know about this form of expression.

Today you’ll hear about:

  • What fan art is and how it relates to copyright issues and trademarks
  • Why fan art is so popular right now and what to be aware of in regards to the concept of fair use or fair dealings in the context of commercial use
  • Some of the ways that you may be able to produce your own fan art for sale
  • A few of the risks associated with fan art production
  • April’s advice for event organizers that feature fan art creators

Mentioned in the episode:

April’s Website, Instagram & Facebook   

Season 3 - Episode 43

Have we formed a Business Contract? Three Ways to Avoid Problems

Have you ever had a misunderstanding in one of your business relationships? Unfortunately, this is all too common and can cost a lot of small business owners time, energy, and even money.

In this episode, Corinne Boudreau shares the key things to be aware of with contracts, and the ways to avoid problems or misunderstandings that may arise.

Today you’ll hear about:

  • The best time to be thinking about whether you need a contract in place
  • What is the difference between preliminary discussion and contract formation, and an example that can illustrate this type of situation
  • Why it’s so important to always be communicating with the other party before, during and after the contract is signed
  • How to make sure acceptance is clear for both parties and more best practices to follow in this process

We hope these tips and stories will help you to avoid some of the misunderstandings that can happen when you are forming business contracts!

Mentioned in the episode:

Episode 29 - Four Key Online Relationships To Document With A Contract: 

Episode 7 - What to put in your client contract: 

Episode 6 - Ways to get a contract signed digitally: 

Episode 5 - Why written contracts are better than oral contracts:


Season 3 - Episode 42

Coaching Business Risks with Marc Mawhinney


Today, Corinne Boudreau has a conversation with a “coach of coaches”, Marc Mawhinney, as there are a lot of listeners of this podcast and people in her community that are coaches. 

In this episode, you’ll hear about Marc’s own journey in entrepreneurship and specifically how he became a coach, his tips for marketing and getting clients, what to consider in terms of legalities in the coaching space, and so much more. 

Today you’ll hear about:

  • Key points to consider for getting clients for your coaching business
  • What is new in the coaching world today
  • Legal issues and challenges that exist in the coaching world right now
  • Good practices for coaches to implement in order to make sure they get paid
  • How to approach advertising your prices and charges
  • What to be aware of in terms of professional liability insurance [36:27]

Whether you are a coach or not, there is a ton of value and solid business advice in what Marc and Corinne share in this conversation!


Mentioned in the episode: 

Coaching Questions: A Coach's Guide to Powerful Asking Skills by Tony Stoltzfus:



Season 3 - Episode 41

Getting Proper Permission for Testimonials

In today’s episode of Get It In Writing, Corinne Boudreau talks about social proof and testimonials, and how to get proper permission and legal consent to use them in your business!

Today you’ll hear about:

  • The basic first principles for using testimonials as social proof in your business and what Corinne’s “legal brain” is thinking when it comes to this topic
  • What to understand about social media and the terms you agree to while using each platform
  • A look at the various ways and practical applications to getting permission for testimonials to use
  • How to approach acquiring testimonials with a built-in short release form, and an example of how I did it when issuing a feedback survey for one of my programs
  • The way to handle testimonials from unsolicited feedback, and much more…

You want to be able to use testimonials in the marketing of your products and services, and the information in this episode will help you determine how to take the approach that ensures you are protected legally! 

Mentioned in the episode:


Season 3 - Episode 40

Cybersecurity and Digital Privacy Tips for Online Businesses with Braden Newell

Cybersecurity is something that business owners and individuals need to be paying very close attention to right now, and today, Corinne Boudreau speaks with guest expert Braden Newell to dive deeper into all things cybersecurity. 

Braden Newell is an Apple technologist, cybersecurity consultant, and technology educator based out of Nova Scotia, Canada. His life's mission is to make technology easier to understand. He takes pride in taking complex technical topics and translating them into simpler speak. 

In this episode, Braden shares his expertise on cybersecurity and provides valuable tips and tools that will help keep you, and your information, safe!   

Today you’ll hear about:

  • What cybersecurity controls are how small business owners can use them
  • The importance of Identifying your own risk profile
  • Ways to secure yourself with passwords and what happens in a password leak
  • Social media accounts and the things you should not be doing
  • Who is being target in phishing attacks and the reasons behind them
  • The difference between security and privacy when it comes to email
  • What to know about ethical data collection storage and use
  • Braden’s advice for access controls and identity management
  • A look at cyber security insurance 

Mentioned in the episode:

Braden’s Website & LinkedIn 

Social Media Day Halifax 

Digital Nova Scotia





Google Authenticator

Microsoft Authenticator 


Signal Encrypted Messaging 

Okta Single Sign-In 

FileVault (Apple) 

BitLocker (Microsoft)


Episode 30 - What To Do If You Have A Privacy Breach With Practical Privacy Coach Jean Eaton:

Season 3 - Episode 39

Three Layers of Liability Protection

To kick off a brand new season of Get It In Writing, we’ve got a big topic for you today! What if something goes wrong in business, you get sued, or if the unexpected happens and causes liability to you or your business? These “What If” scenarios can keep business owners up at night, and in this episode, Corinne Boudreau explores the layers of liability protection that can go a long way to help give you peace of mind, and the maximum legal protection! 


Today you’ll hear about:

  • How to set up the base layers of protection in your business with contracts and policies, and the very first place to start in this process
  • The ways in which commercial insurance differs from other types of insurance and how it can protect your business from certain risks
  • How choosing the right legal structure for your business can provide you liability protection
  • Nothing is perfect! A few examples of when business owners can be personally held liable, even if the business is incorporated….

Mentioned in the episode:

Episode 37 - Three Important Places To Put Disclaimers To Cover Your Butt:

Episode 26 - How To Have A Work Party Without Liability: 

Episode 16 - Are Legal Waivers Legit?: 

Episode 11 - The Four Legal Things You Need on Your Business Website: 

Episode 9 - The Three Types of Legal Structures for Your Canadian Business: 

Episodes 8 - What contracts to use when you are hiring someone: 

Episode 7 - What to put in your client contract: 

Blog Post, Avoid Nasty Surprises with Proper Insurance Coverage for Your Online Business